
May 3

 Today in class mr.rease explained what we will be doing for the rest of the week .Then,got started with talking to people one on one about there essay that we wrote yesterday.While I was ready for him to call my name , I was just on my phone bored,doing nothing really.overall, my day was good . 


 Today in class we start our essay today.I think I really did good on my essay today .I took my time and analyzed everything that I had to do .I was really patient with everything.I had finished my essay .Overall,it was a good day .


 Today in class we had a free day .While we had our free day I was playing hangman with my classmates.We had to take an essay today but me.rease pushed it back until Monday .I was ready for the essay but I guess we have to do it Monday .Overall,it was a Good Friday .


 Today I had to go back to the dentist about my retainers.They had to do it a 3 time and I’m just over it .I had a choice to go to regular braces or do my retainers again .I did my retainers again because I think it’s going to go by faster .Eventually I got done ,went to get something to eat .I went by my auntie house because I had to go to a job interview & I think I did pretty good .Overall today was good .


 Today I didn’t go to school because I felt sick.I was sweating in my sleep and I don’t know why because I never sweat before in my sleep.Then,I took a good shower ate some food and felt a little better.I went to work later that day and I still didn’t feel good so I went back home .Overall today was okay 


 We had got started with doing different questions .We we’re discussing about what we do with an essay .Then, each person took turns with asking our fellow classmates questions.


 Today in class we got started with answer different questions about what we already know and learned during this semester.People kept taking turns with telling questions.Suddenly,we did it individually.10 people don’t have to do their blogs for this week so that’s good .Overall I was mad and frustrated.