
Showing posts from January, 2022




 Today in class we didn’t do nothing .We had to go to our 11th grade meeting .It was really about credits to graduate and how many people failed a class last semester.Also , we talked about 11th grade activities but I doubt that people would really participate in them . Overall, today was good 


 Today in class we first got started with a bellringer about 5 different types of stereotypes on a husband,wife, marriage, and a mother.Then we got a worksheet about space cat.Then, he described what space cat meant.Later on we read a story called I want a wife .After we read I want a wife we had to answer the questions on the space cat worksheet . Soon, it was time to go home.Overall today was good in classs 


 Today in class we got started to get a work sheet about an example about what’s going to be in our ap exam.Then, he started talking bout and reviewing about the essay and how to do it .After that, I had to leave for my counselor meeting for my senior year next semester and what I have to complete or if I want to take summer classes.I’m thinking about doing my health class over the summer but I don’t know yet .


 I wasn’t at school yesterday because I had to go to the doctor but overall it was a good day yesterday.


 Today in class we got a work sheet about persuasive speeches.We watched 7 different short movies on each one and had to decide if it was a rhetorical devices .Today in class was good .


 Today in class we did this bellringer on resist the temptation.It was about drugs and it was 15 questions but we only had 5 min to do it .Then, he gave us instructions on what we’re doing .We had to write two paragraphs speech in which you try to persuade your peers not to do drugs .I believe I wrote a good two paragraphs but overall today was good . 


 Today in class we did a bell ringer about temptation and temptation means to do something,especially something wrong or unwise.Then, we discussed about it and read some of our peers about a time when you were tempted.After that , we read the song “Resist the Temptation” by Tupac.After that it was time to but overall it was a good day .


 Today I wasn’t at school and i went to the dentist and I had to get my clear a lingers.I have to wait 8-10 weeks for them to call me back so I can try on my tray but it took like an hour and a half to 2 hours .But mainly my day was okay yesterday.


 So In class we started off with a test about litotes,understatement,antithesis, rhetorical question ,and procataepsis and it was good about it .We had 20 min on the test .After, we talked about it and reviewed about who chose what and explaining .Then, we still writing notes about different devices.We did distinetio and simile and examples but overall today was a good day In class.


 Today in class we discussed the bell ringer for the first 20-30 minutes and seeing if we did the bell ringer right and what we need to do next time when discussing a thesis statement.Then we got into groups of 3 and did a prompt about different topics and that was it the end of class 


 Today in class we discussed what we had did from yesterday.But we also did our own rhetorical questions and and made our own .Then,we talked about procatalepsls and it deals with specifically with objections,and it usually does so without even asking the question.Also,we discussed what we do in our other periods but overall the class was good and we have good communication 


 Today in class we talked about hyperbole,understatement,litotes,antithesis,and hypophora and we did different examples of them each.we talked about them as a class and they are very easy to understand .